Monday, March 29, 2010

Workshop #2 Character/Creature Free Sculpt

This workshop was aimed for our spring break using the past few techniques we have gone over in meetings.

The Scoop:
Time: Unlimited
Date Due: April 16th

You can either start with a base mesh from Maya as detailed as you wish or you can go use the Zsphere armature with or without the Zsketch method. Your character or creature does not have to be a full bodied model, although it is recommended you try to shoot for a full bodied. You are also not restricted by any requirements in theme, so you can do anything from an anatomy piece to a wacky fun or creepy character. Here was a character that went through the process in ~10 hours.

To use Zspheres select a Zsphere from the Tool menu on the right. Make sure you have X symmetry on and start creating branches of Zspheres from your original, you can adjust location and size of any sphere by selecting Scale, Rotate, or Move. To enter Zsketch mode with your Zspheres press Shift+A.

Be sure to post progress/questions on the forums @ under the 3D forums section.

If you want direct feedback from me, you can Email me at

Have fun and good luck!!!

Room & time change for meetings

Just as the title states, DCW will be meeting most likely in a different room and different times. I will keep you guys updated on when this is. The schedule for the labs will not be settled until ~2 weeks into the quarter, until then we will be jumping around to open rooms.

Our first meeting will be April 9th @12pm-4pm in front of room 232 (or refer to sign on door)