Hello and welcome to the first meeting of the Digital Clay Workshop!
This meeting is all about informing you, the potential members, what our goals and vision are for D.C.W. Our goal as a 'club' is to be noticed as a community using this blog and forums at SheltonAllen.com to network with other artists in the CG world whether you're an MA student or a GAD student networking is GOOD, it gets you places, gets you noticed, gets your work out there, and gets your work critiqued by your piers or professors and in some cases (possibly) companies.
Now comes the question, "What will we be doing in here?". In D.C.W. members/students will learn Zbrush from a sculpting approach and viable methods/workflow techniques that can be and are being used in the industry today. We wont only be bringing you this info through tutorials that we come across; in most cases we will also be going over a demo in meetings so if anyone has any questions about said method they can be asked and we can answer or research them.
"Learning is great but I wanna do something!", these meetings will be focused on hands on learning in Zbrush as well as participating in challenges, projects, group work, even bring in another class's project to Zbrush it up. Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate! While participating in these events or projects get up, walk around to other people's computers and if you find something interesting then ask how they did it. We learn how we do our own work mostly from the observation of others and by study. If there is an opportunity to work with cross major resources feel free to do so, GAD work with MA for FMV sequences for that cool game idea, or vice versa.
Thank you for your time and your participation,
Christopher M. Chinea
Hey Chris, Great First Meeting. Thanks again for taking the set up the club. And Thanks Again to Orlando and Travis and whoever else I might've missed.